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FAQs “ADHD in Kids”

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If your child has ADHD, you’d likely have concerns or questions about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This article will address common FAQs that help you understand your child better.

Let's start with the very important question: WHAT IS ADHD?

What is ADHD?

What is ADHD in kids?

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts both children and adults. It can be easily distinguished by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interfere the daily life functions and growth. Although there might be significant individual variations in their symptoms, they quite often fall under one of the 3 primary categories: inattentive type, hyperactive-impulsive type, or a combination of both.

Common symptoms of ADHD

Inattentive Type:
  • Inability to focus during tasks and play activities

  • Observed very frequently making careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities

  • Frequent omissions from direct spoken communication

  • Trouble in organizing tasks and activities

  • Avoids tasks that require labour-intensive mental effort

  • Frequently misplaces items needed for tasks and activities

Hyperactive-Impulsive Type:
  • Fidgeting or tapping hands and feet

  • Often getting off the seat in situations where they are expected to be seated

  • Running here and there or climbing in inappropriate situations

  • Inability to play or engage in activities calmly and quietly

  • Excessive talking

  • Interrupts others or intrudes

What are the Common Signs and Symptoms of ADHD in Kids?

Common Signs and Symptoms of ADHD in Kids

The most typical indicators to watch out for are impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness, however, there are many more ways to recognize this as an ADHD symptom. You would often notice that kids with ADHD may have trouble focusing on tasks, frequently lose things, fidget excessively, or act without thinking. Now, the severity of these behaviours varies, and could often be confused for typical juvenile enthusiasm; but if these symptoms are quite regular and impact day-to-day life functioning, then it might be worth exploring further about the symptoms and their potential diagnosis.


How is ADHD Diagnosed in Children?

How is ADHD Diagnosed in Children?

ADHD diagnosis isn’t just about a single test but involves a thorough assessment by healthcare professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, or paediatricians. They collect information based on questionnaires, behavioural observations and discussion about the case with parents and teachers. Therefore, by taking account of all aspects of a child’s life, the holistic approach promises an accurate diagnosis.


What are the Treatment Options Available for Kids with ADHD?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Treatments

Behavioural therapy, change of lifestyle, and medications are some of the ways of treating ADHD. To lessen impulsive behaviour and raise levels of attention, one should consult medical professionals to get prescribed stimulants or other medications. Not only that, parents who get their child in behavioural therapy are often taught skills to help them manage themselves as well as relate with other people within their surroundings. In addition to this, setting rules within their home may also work well for them. Help that is strictly adhered to does not let them down.


Can Diet and Nutrition Affect ADHD Symptoms in Children?

Absolutely! While diet alone isn’t a cure for ADHD, certain foods and nutrients can influence symptoms. Some studies suggest that reducing sugar and food additives can help manage hyperactivity. Ensuring a balanced diet rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients can support overall brain health and improve concentration.


How Can Parents Help Their Child Manage ADHD at Home?

How can parents help kids with ADHD at home?

In managing ADHD at home, the first step that should be taken is creating a structured, organized and supportive environment. This serves to give students a feeling of steadiness referring to assignment time when they are supposed to play and go to bed. Moreover, it should be noted that praising acts made and setting goals that children can readily reach increases their confidence levels, hence making them feel appreciated as they strive towards achieving those goals - parents have to endure since it takes time before they ultimately get what they expected to get in full.

What are the Long-Term Effects of ADHD if Left Untreated in Kids?

Untreated ADHD can cause long-term problems which include academic difficulties, low self-esteem as well as challenges in social interactions. Besides, as they move into adulthood children who have not received treatment for their condition might suffer from anxiety among other mental illnesses related to depression. In conclusion, it is important to point out that in order to thrive children require timely help that enables them to develop necessary abilities.

Are There Any Effective Behavioural Therapies for Children with ADHD?

Indeed, dealing with ADHD can be highly successful through behavioural approaches. It helps children develop abilities in solving problems and controlling their emotions through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. To enhance how kids engage with their pals, they need to be taken through social training sessions. Still, parent training programs are capable of making parents equipped with knowledge on how to help in their child's growth.

You can connect with Total Communication to learn more about how effective behavioural therapy can be for your child and get a 15-minute consultation over phone/zoom call.

How Does ADHD Impact a Child's Performance in School?

ADHD Impact a Child's Performance in School. Learn more about it

There are so many challenges that come with ADHD that might make a child get lower grades at school. Furthermore, due to attention deficit and challenges in organization, anything simple may look difficult hence leading to non-compliance. On the other hand, proper assistance such as IEPs and additional time during examinations for students with this condition can enable them to do excellently or even better.

Can ADHD Be Outgrown, or Will Children Have It for Life?

Although ADHD is chronic, its symptoms can evolve with age. Even though some kids who are growing up get less hyperactive others are continuously inattentive. Many people with this disorder can adjust well with proper care from parents or other primary caregivers. Managing ADHD successfully does not mean you have outgrown it—rather it requires different skills that fit each situation specifically.

What Role Do Teachers Play in Supporting Students with ADHD?

Teachers role in Supporting Students with ADHD

Teachers have a critical role in helping students who have ADHD. Children can receive the facilitation that will keep them on the right course when they have their lessons organized, simplified notes, and are provided brief information about their progress by their teachers. It is possible through cooperation with parents and those professionals who work with special needs children to meet an individual’s needs during early childhood education or primary school education phase (up until sixth form). Teachers being patient with the student's behaviour will be worth more than any instruction given to them if only they want to see these ADHD diagnosed students achieve much in their studies.


Need help to support your child with ADHD?

Book a free 15-minute telephonic/zoom consultation with one of our therapists.

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