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Occupational Therapy in Singapore

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy can be described as the therapeutic use of activities to facilitate children’s overall development, and independence in all aspects of life to enhance their quality of life. Occupational Therapy is both an art and a science. It is an art because it involves a skilled therapist who incorporates critical thinking to adapt tasks and activities to enhance a child’s occupational performance. Occupational Therapy is a scientific strategy as it uses evidence-based approaches during assessments and treatments.

What is Occupational Therapy?
What does an occupational therapist do?

What does an Occupational Therapist do?

An Occupational therapist focuses on assessing the different abilities of children in school, home, and outdoor environments and aims to support them to realize their full potential and overcome any challenges. These challenges can occur in any of the following areas namely:

Occupational therapists implement a top-down approach during sessions or a dynamic approach as it is more evidence-based and includes an outcome-based approach. The top-down approach assesses the child’s occupational performance along with their role participation. Various other therapy approaches are implemented to maximize function. The occupational therapist takes into account the ‘whole’ child which includes all aspects of the child’s cognitive, social-emotional, psychological, and physical makeup.

What an inital occupational therapy assessment would look like?

What an initial Occupational Therapy assessment would look like?

An initial session would compromise of a screener incorporating a play-based approach to understand your child’s abilities and difficulties. Most assessments will take place in our fully equipped sensory integration gym. The assessment can comprise of using various standardized tests, which will then be summarized into a report if needed. This report stands as the baseline for the intervention process. This report can also be used for obtaining education accommodations.

Occupational Therapy focuses on facilitating the following areas:

  • Motor skills: Fine and gross motor (movement) skills such as posture, gait, balance, coordination, and body schema

  • Visual perception and spatial orientation

  • Dyspraxia and motor planning abilities

  • Activities of daily living like toileting and feeding.

  • Handwriting and pre-writing skills

  • Sensory and emotional regulation.

  • Behaviour issues (often tied to difficulties with sensory or emotional regulation in general). OTs work closely with speech and language therapists who deal with the communication aspect of behavioural challenges.

  • Cognition (attention, executive functions)

Where can my child recieve occupational therapy?

Children who receive Occupational Therapy often have enhanced developmental skills and can become more independent in all aspects of life.

It is very important to dedicate the time and effort to provide Occupational Therapy to a child. The earlier a child receives Occupational Therapy, the better the outcome.

Total Communication Therapy therapists have years of experience using TCT principles to treat children with challenges, special needs, and learning difficulties. Moreover, they are prepared and trained to assist children in achieving their occupational performance goals.


Connect with us to learn more and schedule a consultation

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