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Social Challenges

Social Challenges: The misapprehension of social cues that a child faces in social paradigm

Speech and Language:

When speech is unclear or not fluent, it can be difficult to communicate to share experiences. In extreme cases, this can even be compounded by social anxiety. Social language is also important for building relationships and sharing experiences. One needs to understand the unspoken social rules of the situation, and adjust their behaviour accordingly. By taking the perspective of those around us, we can build connections to them and foster the dance that is social thinking and relationship building. A Speech Language Pathologist understands the nuances of this communication dance, and can implement to help with this to improve quality of life through improved social interactions.

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Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD):

CAPD affects how much speech one can process and understand. Difficulties are further compounded by problems processing speech in the presence background noise, so CAPD can have a massive impact on one’s quality of life. By working with an Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist to properly diagnose and treat CAPD, one can see vast improvements in their social relationships.

Attention Disorders:

The ability to sustain attention on other’s and monitor our own behaviour within a social situation is crucial to social success and relationship building. Those with attention difficulties and disorders can find building positive social relationships challenging, despite the fact that they are motivated to do so. Rigorous assessment and treatment with a Psychologist, Paediatrician and Speech Language Pathologist can improve social thinking and connection building abilities to improve one’s relationships and social success. This can lead to huge improvements in overall quality of life.

Dyspraxia of Speech:

Dyspraxia of speech (sometimes called Childhood Apraxia of Speech) affects one’s ability to plan and execute the movements needed to speak. Speech sounds very unclear, and can be very slow to produce. Not only does this interrupt the flow of a conversation, but it can be extremely difficult for communication partners to understand. Despite the fact that someone with Dyspraxia of Speech may be very bright and have lots of wonderful things to say, communicating with the spoken word is very difficult. In extreme cases, this can lead to social isolation and social anxiety. A Speech Language Pathologist is able to look at one’s very fine patterns of movement for speech to properly diagnose and treat Dyspraxia of Speech. Gains can be significant and long lasting.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD):

While those diagnosed with ASD are highly motivated to participate in social life and form relationships with other people, they can have difficulty with the social perspective taking and social insight needed to form connections and foster relationships. Not only affecting peer relationships, this can also affect one’s ability to engage in the rich relationship with parents and family members, as it can be difficult to see and understand the social cues given to each other. Proper diagnosis and treatment by a Psychologist and Speech Pathologist can be a great first step. Speech Language Pathologists are also highly skilled at analysing communication, and supporting the person with ASD to understand the dance of social communication. Gains in this aspect of communication can have a great impact on one’s overall quality of life and happiness, so is a crucial part of the management plan.

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