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2018 Learn to Play Workshop
2018 Learn to Play Workshop
The Learn to Play Workshop saw educational therapists, speech-language therapists, special needs educators, occupational therapists as well as MOE teachers this year. We were so glad to have them join us and everyone found it useful to how these play strategies could be integrated to their work.
Their feedback was critical to ensure their continued support as well as for us to improve our workshops and seminars in the future.
Here's what some of them had to say!
“Very useful! I learnt the different types of play and that provided me with some resource to learn how to expand the play ideas.”
"As an OT, I am working with sensory modulation, followed by sensory discrimination and praxis. Karen's learn to play program greatly complements the gap in my work on problem-solving and knowing how object properties can contribute nicely in play.”
“The workshop gave me a very clear breakdown of the levels and type of play. It gives me a structured framework of assessing play skills and writing goals for play intervention. The ideas for play were lovely too.”
“Understanding the stages of play development and components of play can help me better understand at which stage my students are at and their learning needs.”
“Since I am working with children with GDD and with the higer tier, the workshop reminded me how play would extract lots of language abilities from my students and other skills as well.”
"Having not undergone training in play before, I found both the theoretical and practical parts very useful to understanding the play level of the children I work with and also thinking about how and why communicating about pretend play to parents is very important."
A good handful mentioned they enjoyed the activities and practical sessions and would love to see even more videos of how play was facilitated and demonstrated during sessions. There was also a general bend towards demonstrating play for children who have higher functioning ASD, are severely dysregulated or are facing hearing impairments. We will definitely consider including it in the future.
As organizers for this event, we are looking to conduct future workshops in the following areas below. If you would like to be notified on our future workshops and seminars, do let us know and we'll give you a heads-up on our early bird prices!
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